Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Google Earth, NETS I & IV

This is map was created using Google Earth. Using Google Earth I mapped out my commute to CSUSM from my home in Temecula. I added custom placemarks in the form of pictures for my icons along the path and was able to customize different aspects of the map such as terrain and borders.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Journal 10: Students Without Boarders. NETS V

Bickley, M., & Carleton, J. (2009). Global collaborative learning connects school to the real world. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(3). Retrieved October 30, 2009 from http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Publications/LL/LLIssues/Volume3720092010/NovemberNo3/students_without_borders.htm

This article addresses the importance of global collaboration projects in the school setting. Using information and communicative technologies, such as wiki's and web conferencing students are now able to connect with peers from other cultures and other countries. Student collaboration is important because it connects students all over the world and allows them to build relationships. Furthermore, students are able to work together on projects that can have positive effects in their communities. Organizations such iEARN help to facilitate collaborative partnerships between students, classrooms, and communities. In addition, projects such as the Machinto Project and Art Miles project aid in collaboration globally between students from different cultures.

Describe how the Machinto Project uses global collaboration?

The Machinto Project helps students learn about how war affects children across the world. Students from all over the world create projects and publish them on this collaborative website for others to see. These collaborations open up dialogue about issues that are not usually discussed in the classroom and students get to share their experiences and make friendships that they would not have normally made.

How does the Art Miles project promote collaboration in the school setting?

The Art Miles project helps to connect students form all over the world to collaborate and learn about each others cultures and countries. Countries currently include Canada, Russia, Vietnam, Italy, Indonesia, and Fiji. Students main goal is to teach their partner about a specific aspect of their own culture and to introduce their own community to the other students. This helps to promote group interactions as well as positive relationships between culturally different students.

Journal 9: 5 Great Tools for Schools, NETS V

Yoder, M. (2009). 5 great tools to perk up your classroom and engage your students. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(3). Retrieved October 30, 2009 fromhttp://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=November_No_3_5&Template=/MembersOnly.cfm&NavMenuID=4436&ContentID=24614&DirectListComboInd=D

This article examines five tools that have been chosen as cool tools that can benefit a classroom. These tools energize student learning, promote creativity, and encourage positive interaction in the classroom. The first tool that is suggested is the Lego Education’s WeDo Robotics Construction set. This tool includes more that 160 elements including a motion sensor, tilt sensor, motor, and icon-based software. Classes can manipulate the Lego's and the elements to create models that then can be applied to the class curriculum. The Smart Table is the next recommended tool . The Smart Table is a multitouch, multiuser, interactive learning center. This tool allows up to 8 students to work together promoting collaboration and positive interactions. The AVer Pen is also suggested , this pen acts like an interactive white board but without the white board. Teachers are not restricted to only using the white board, instead images can be projected anywhere in the class room and the AVer Pen can write on almost any surface. Furthermore, the pen also includes interactive tools such as an answer selection keypad that acts as a group response system. Multiuser Virtual Environments is the fourth tool that is recommended. This tool attempts to tap into the growth of the Teen Second Life classroom activity's, teachers are able to incorporate virtual world projects into class curriculum. The final recommended tool was the Google Apps Education Community. This tool is specifically for educations, it was created for internet searching, collaboration, and classroom activities. This site has links to lesson plans and includes a forum where educators can share ideas and get advice. All of these tool would be excellent additions to the classroom. These tools let the students incorporate their imagination into school work at the same time creating an opportunity for group collaboration.

Why would it be important to incorporate technology tools such as these into the classroom?

These tools seem like great resources, they promote collaboration and really energize student learning. Technology is a very important part of our society, it is important that students get exposed to multiple types of technology while in school so they may become an important member of society later in life. Introducing technology in a fun and interactive way is a great way to get kids familiar to using technology without overwhelming them with technical terms and lengthy instructions.

What was the criteria used to select the tools?

1. Does this tool have the potential to enhance teaching in some powerful way?

2. Is this tool easy to learn and well supported?

3. Is this an innovative new tool or a substantial improvement on a earlier version?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Journal 8: Have you Tweated Today?, NETS V

Fingal, D. (2009). Have you tweeted today? Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(2). Retrieved on October 20, 2009 from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=September_October_No_2_3&Template=/MembersOnly.cfm&NavMenuID=4381&ContentID=24192&DirectListComboInd=D

I found this article to be extremely interesting. This article focuses on the benefits of using Twitter rather than the negatives that are usually associated with it. Fingal makes the argument that while many people capitalize on the seemingly uselessness of Twitter there are actually benefits to using it. She makes that point that Twitter offers constant collaboration as well as the benefit receiving instant feedback. Furthermore, Twitter can be used for educational purposes such as following educational experts and learning from their links and comments. However, Ridley also has a valid point. Americans in particular seem to be preoccupied with our privacy, so it does seem rather hypocritical that we would be willing to post our every move and thought on the Internet for anyone and everyone see. Furthermore, there is a lot of useless talk on Twitter, that is not important in the general scheme of world let alone the field of education. I believe that like most online tools there are different ways of using them. Twitter can be used in a way that supports learning and education and it can also be used for entertainment purposes only.

Does Twitter bring more harm than good?

I think that most people believe that Twitter is not necessarily important in the field of education. However, I believe that Twitter is also misunderstood by many people. While Twitter has the ability to post useless comments on the Internet it also had the ability to be used productively in the educational setting. Students can collaborate instantly as well as use it as a resource to seek help and opinions from their classmates.

Why is it important for teachers to stay up to date with technology including social networking sites such as Twitter?

It is important for teachers to be on the same page with their students. In order for teachers to connect and really bond with their students they need to be familiar with the technology that the students are using regardless of how useless it may seem.

NPR Morning Edition, “Keep Your Tweets to Yourself” : www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=104033836

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

CSUSM Public Service Announecment- NETS-T III & V

I created this movie using iMovie as a public service announcement for California State University San Marcos. This movie was created by first importing video footage and music into iMovie. From there I was able to edit the movie and add screen effects, text, transitions, a freeze frame, and a voice over. I also added music, detached audio, and modified clip volume including fading in and fading out to create my final product.

Crossword Spreadsheet, NETS I, II, & III

This crossword puzzle was created using Microsoft Excel. Using Excel I was able to format the cells so that each cell would hold one letter. I was able to add comments to the cells in the form of the crossword clues and format the cells so if the first letter entered in the word is correct it will turn green and if it is incorrect it will turn red. Also, I created boarders to separate the cells and a background to cover the unused cells.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wiki Page, NETS II, IV, & V

After researching many web tools on a wiki page, I selected one web tool to create my own wiki page about. On my wiki page I described my tool and the possible uses and any issues that might be present if using the tool in the classroom. I was able to include a example of a picture created using my tool as well as a link to my wiki page and a link to the web page for the tool that I chose.

BeFunky - Courtney Whyte - CSUSM Web 2.0 Tools for Educators